Hey, long time, no see! My brother pointed out that I've been very much the absentee blogger this week, and I'm super sorry. Life's been full of little adventures this week, especially since Wednesday, so here's what's new:
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Every year, just about this time, I get the itch.
That itch to do something a little bit crazy, a little bit different, be a different person.
And, I'll admit it, most of the time, it gets taken out on my hair.
This time last year, my hair was a little past shoulder length, only weeks away from being chopped off (to my mother's chagrin and my friends' shock). Tomorrow I go back to the hairdresser with the same inspiration (today to my mother's chagrin, and tomorrow night to my friends' shock).
I'm beyond nervous, but excited as all get-out.
I'm thinking something along these lines. I can't wait.
Anybody other curly-headed girls ever gone pixie-cut? How'd it go? Let me know in the comments below!
A little bit of hair-prayer is appreciated.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Children of All Ages
Over the years, like any other youngster, I've daydreamed about skipping classes and running off to join the circus. And not just any circus. I'm talking one of those old-time circuses: the ones that artists, costumers, and historians dream about.
Alas, I remain firmly planted in the 21st Century, no sign of time-travel in sight.
Until then, I can always peruse old issues of National Geographic and daydream to my heart's content.
Alas, I remain firmly planted in the 21st Century, no sign of time-travel in sight.
Until then, I can always peruse old issues of National Geographic and daydream to my heart's content.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
B, B, What Begins With B?
A little while ago, Cassey over at Blogilates posted an enthusiastic reaction to a pretty unique, 100% natural recipe. Using only a banana and (an) egg(s), one is supposedly able to make some super tasty and healthy pancakes.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Just in Time Friday
No kidding. If Friday had gotten here any slower , I might would have lost my marbles. It's been a good week, albeit long, but I was so ready for the weekend: sleeping in, working out, and catching up on (dare I say it?) homework. Dun dun duuuuuunnnnn.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Many apologies for falling off the face of the planet the last few days. Schedule's been full, lots of work's been done, even a few social functions have been attended. Life has resumed for the time being.
In any case, I've spent all this week introducing myself over and over and over again. My teachers this year have taken more interest in me and my hobbies than ever before. (To put this in perspective, my math teacher this year wanted to know my favorite food. I'm not certain my math teacher last year even had my email address.)
Which, albeit often awkward and repetitive, is really very nice and thought-provoking. You learn a lot about yourself when the objective is to condense the essence of your personality to a list or a picture.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Madness of Extreme Exhaustion
It was back to classes for me today, ready or not.
I'll proudly admit that I began the day with enthusiasm, and a really adorable outfit.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
To the Last
I woke up this morning with the inevitable feeling of autumn. It was not the weather outside, nor the turning of the leaves (though the tree outside my house is forever the earliest to shed). It was really a feeling in my soul that summer was coming to a swift end.
And, so, unable to turn back the clock, I celebrated the last day of summer, surrounded by friends and family.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Purring and Pleased as Punch
Guess what I got in the mail today.
A hint?
If you remember my library adventure from a few days ago, you may be pleased to know that it came to fruition today.
I'm squealing like a toddler on the inside.
I know, I know.
"It's a library book," you say.
"That's gross," you say.
"But it was cheap," I say.
"And it's the book I wanted," I say.
"And it's not missing pages or covered in colored pencil or highlighter and it actually has a cover illustration unlike the one I read when I was eight," I say.
I'm really pleased as punch. I love it so much.
Many thanks to Gypsysnark books, and one Spring Ridge Library (wherever it may be), and my fantastic father for helping me figure it all out on Amazon. And, of course, the author.
Nerdy and Cat-Loving.
Throw in the Towel
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My color is red, my dad's is blue, my mom's is pink, and if you squint a little, you can see my brother's orange. |
Call me a quitter, but that's precisely what I think I'm going to do.
With only about a day left to go, I think I've finally rested my case for the annual family reading contest.
I had a good run, with 14 books read: two over my personal goal for the summer, and one over what I do believe was my previous record.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Things Never Change
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The most beautiful movie device in the history of history. |
Today was my last weekday of sweet, sweet freedom. Cue the tears, the begging, the inevitable plans to join a circus rather than return to education.
So, fueled by all that, we decided to spend today tripping through interstate antique stores, wishing summer would never end. Lots of interesting things abounded.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
P.S. Pretty (Great) Scones
Remember when I made strawberry sconelets and started daydreaming about all the potential flavors?
Well, let me be the first to say...
Lemon-poppyseed works too.
And, hey, guess what? These look good even without glaze.
Sweet As Can Be
Yesterday afternoon (dinner, actually, since my eating habits are shot to absolute pieces) I finally spent the last of my Christmas gift cards on frozen yogurt.
Sweet Cece's frozen yogurt, all thanks to my dear friend and fellow scribbler Sarah.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Do All For Cats
When I was in elementary school, I was the bookish type. I loved the library. I loved the librarian and her straight teeth and her long skirts. I loved story time. I loved it all.
So, in essence, things really haven't changed all that much.
There was one book, in particular though, that I absolutely adored when I was a little one. It was a hand-illustrated reference book called Cats, and I checked it out as many times as I could, I read it on the bus and in class and at home, and (just between us) by middle school, I halfway regretted not "misplacing" it at the end of fifth grade and just paying the fee to have it as mine forever and ever.
Unfortunately, I did nothing of the sort, and last night, like some kind of nerdy phantom limb pain, it was bothering me terribly.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Word of the Day
Literally. I woke up this morning having already decided that working out was the last thing I wanted to do today, so I'd just try to be productive instead.
I ended up cleaning my closet out and doing every scrap of laundry I own.
And then- of course- I worked out anyway.
Monday, August 13, 2012
All's Fare That's Made Fare
Today marked one of our last summer adventures for the year, and of course, it was to our local health food store, EarthFare, to make one of my favorite things on the face of the planet.
Peanut Butter.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
DIY: The Velveteen Headband
On the way home from the zoo on Friday, we managed to swing by my mom's favorite fabric store, where I found the most luscious velvet ribbon ever, in the most lovely colors.
Inspired by all the bow-love shown over at A Beautiful Mess, I decided that I'd make a floppy bow headband with a precious length of it.
Here's how it happened:
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Pizzanatomy 101
For years and years, I have roamed the Earth, taste-testing pizzas from all over, forever intent on finding out what makes the best pizza ever.
My quest has taken me hither and yon. I've battled crumbly crusts and soggy toppings, burnt cheese and some pretty unorthodox sausages. I've done tiny pizza bars and chains as far as the eye can see. I've made my own, and I've eaten someone else's. Piece by piece, I've gathered the necessary formula, and here I am to share with all of you the fruits of my labor:
Pizzanatomy 101: The Art of Great Pizza
Friday, August 10, 2012
Through the Zoo and Back Again
Today was our annual summer trip to the zoo- a tradition maintained for just about ever, as a last-minute trip before school begins for the year. It always makes for a pretty grand adventure, and the weather was pretty much perfect for it today.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Snappy and Scrumptious Strawberry Sconelets
For a while now, I've been a fan of Panera Bread's strawberries and creme scones. They're huge and fluffy and lovely and delicious: one of my favorite splurge foods, for sure.
And I've always wanted to try to make something at least a little similar. So, when I found a package of easy-peasy muffin mix in the pantry, I decided to try it out.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Going Bananas
Postage for 1 banana: $1.95 |
Last Tuesday began an adventure a week and a day in the making.
That's right. Fake bananas in the mail.
My mom found the idea on this lovely blog , and decided that we simply had to try to test the rule: any object that weighs 13 ounces or less may be sent in the general mail.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A Book By Its Cover: Steal Like an Artist
I'd like to think someone somewhere was looking out for me when they abandoned a little black book in the magazine section at Barnes and Noble.
Like they thought to themselves: "You know, I liked this book. Maybe some girl will come by here who will need to read it."
Boy, did I.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: the closest thing I've ever found to a tourist's guide out of artists' block- the object of many a long search through many bookstores. It reads like a manual on how to keep the creative juices flowing. Which is fantastic.
And there's some great advice in it- some that I've heard before, like keep a paper and pen with you at all times. Others not so much, like keeping a logbook or having two different work areas.
There were plenty of ways in it to keep inspired, which I struggle with a lot, personally, and more than a few ways to get back on track when things burn out. Not to mention a few "so there is someone else" moments.

Boy, did I.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: the closest thing I've ever found to a tourist's guide out of artists' block- the object of many a long search through many bookstores. It reads like a manual on how to keep the creative juices flowing. Which is fantastic.
And there's some great advice in it- some that I've heard before, like keep a paper and pen with you at all times. Others not so much, like keeping a logbook or having two different work areas.
There were plenty of ways in it to keep inspired, which I struggle with a lot, personally, and more than a few ways to get back on track when things burn out. Not to mention a few "so there is someone else" moments.
And those are always lovely.
Read on.
Down On the River
Saturday morning, I got up ridiculously early and six of my oldest friends and I all piled into two cars bound for Chattanooga, Tennessee. The ride was quiet and the road long, but at the end of the day (after 2 1/2 wet and wonderful hours of white-water rafting) there we were on the edge of the Tennessee River.
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Marvelous Sweaters of the Red-Headed Girl
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Marvelous |
We're still probably a month and a half away from the real beginning of sweater weather, but I'm still counting down the days until I can break them out. Just recently, I've found some really beautiful ones on Pinterest:

And then found their my-style counterparts in real life- doodled above- at Old Navy and H&M.
Very exciting.
It is most definitely the year of the sweater, and I think I'm going to wear one tonight with shorts, despite my calendar insisting that it's only August. Sound too crazy? Oh well.
Stay warm and fuzzy.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
For the Love of Joe
Coffee in general has been an acquired taste for me. I've always loved the smell of it, but it wasn't until maybe two years ago that I could enjoy frozen mocha treats. And it wasn't until this summer that I really discovered how to doctor it enough to like a morning blend.
I use a French press instead of a traditional coffee maker. It's basically the same process, but is done manually and makes only one wonderful cup at a time.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Suspenders Wednesday
Today was officially designated "Suspenders Wednesday."
Well, maybe not officially, but I can dream, right?
For so long, I've been wanting a pair of suspenders for myself, and I got my very first pair yesterday from H&M. They are really very lovely, surprisingly comfortable, and I absolutely cannot wait to wear them once school starts at the end of this month.
I sense I'll get quite the wear out of them.
Happy Suspenders Wednesday!
I sense I'll get quite the wear out of them.
Happy Suspenders Wednesday!
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