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The most beautiful movie device in the history of history. |
Today was my last weekday of sweet, sweet freedom. Cue the tears, the begging, the inevitable plans to join a circus rather than return to education.
So, fueled by all that, we decided to spend today tripping through interstate antique stores, wishing summer would never end. Lots of interesting things abounded.
Oh yeah. Definitely a cross-over. |
Mom loved this red wagon outside of the store. It was:
A. Cute as can be
B. Red as a fire engine
C. Pretty darn expensive for the middle of nowhere
And this two-file cabinet from (and I'm just ball-parking here) the 1970's. Yep, sounds about right. It reminded me quite a bit of a certain file cabinet my best friend Eric the Great (more on him in the near future) was interested in a while ago. But maybe that was a stretch of the imagination.
I may not be a sports expert or anything but doesn't football require... umm... a football? |
And this dashing athlete. (Whom I really hope is of no relation to me, now that I've said that.)
Very Fahrenheit 451, eh? |
A really nice blue cap, which, I do believe, was once a fireman's dress-uniform cap.
Very classy.
Barbecue sauce stains and all, folks. It's the real thing. |
This one was probably against the rules, but it was neat nonetheless. In an old notebook, a lady (I assume a lady, since I've never met a man with polka dotted i's) scribbled down all her best recipes (I assume best, because there were lots of cakes in there). Lemon juice in barbecue? Who knew.
I can only take so many pictures of cameras before I realize the irony of it all. |
See that camera back there? Gah, it was gorgeous. And $120.
It was one of those "maybe I'll find one at a yardsale for $5" moments.
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Work: You're an electrician. Play: Your manual is the greatest thing ever. |
The most beautifully adorned electricity manual on planet Earth.
I even left the price tag in the picture. Gift idea, anyone? |
Plus, my number one reason for starting a business: a (appropriately) cherry cash register.
It was enormous. Like 3 feet tall.
In the end, however, it all was narrowed down to one bagful:
We actually had to pay for a second time because I found it after the initial checkout. Oops. |
This adorable little hat, which was only $4.24 and makes me feel like something out of Mona Lisa Smile. Coincidentally, it also matched my belt today.
The cover of the book in the back is actually a painting of Snow-white and Rose-red with their bear-friend. It's perfect, just trust me. |
These two lovely books. One from the twenties full of fairytales (including the Grimms' "Snow-white and Rose-red," I'm super excited to report) and breathtaking illustrations:
And the other "a fable for the young and old" given once a very long time ago "To Edgar, a little gift from Father and Mother for good school work year 1907."
Which felt very appropriate.
Perhaps their well-wishes carried through, and I can steal a little bit of dear Edgar's success?
We'll have to see about that.
Here's to you my lovely girl and Edgar too. You spent your summer well.