Today marked one of our last summer adventures for the year, and of course, it was to our local health food store, EarthFare, to make one of my favorite things on the face of the planet.
Peanut Butter.
Needless to say, I was ex-ci-ted.
You pick a container.
And then pick your mix (we chose dark chocolate peanut butter).
And then the rest is pretty much a push of a button.
Which, I guess can be taken one of two ways:
1. Ew. Looks like mud.
2. Finally. Edible mud pies. I've waited for this since I was four.
No matter what it looked like, though, I like the way it tastes just fine.
It's chocolate peanut butter for crying out loud. There's little to complain about.
Grind your own coffee.
Oh yeah.
And then there was a station where you can cut your very own bars of goat milk-based soap. There were probably a dozen scents to choose from, ranging from tangerine to lavender and beyond.
My mom picked Patchouli (which I'd never heard of before, but apparently is "an herb in the mint family" according to Wikipedia), my brother picked Patchouli-Mint (which is kind of redundant, isn't it?), and I chose Almond (which smells beautiful like amaretto).
I will be washing my hands very enthusiastically for a long while.
And as soon as we got out of the store with our purchases, we met this sky:
Which quickly turned to this:
Gullywasher: a short, usually heavy rainstorm
It was a grand adventure in and of itself, and its products will be greatly enjoyed (by me, at least) for a long time to come. Here's hoping the rest of the week's as great.
6 Days.
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